[[*W i n t e r T e a r s*]]

[[new stuff! new life! a fresh new start!]]

great news for me! I got a new phone. FINALLY (: Though it isn't the perfect model I want, but it's close to it. Fair enough ;) One can't always get exactly what one wants all the time.
Well it is really close. It is slim. It looks pretty nice. It has pretty good camera. well well that's good I guess. And its new! (: haha..

Other than that, I got into LPP. Have I mentioned it before? I guess not. Well at least I am definitely getting a chance to go to either France/Belgium/Switzerland. That's better than nothing I guess.
But I still do feel something when it comes to all those overseas undergraduates-to-be. Gosh do I envy them. Oh yes! and all the best to Jum. Hopefully you can get your full or almost full sponsorship to get to UCL! Though the Imperial offer was a waste, but UCL is comparably good too (:
Ahh.. All these overseas people.. So envious.

Enough of the envy though.. Anyway the fact remains so, I shall stay in Singapore and do my best! The most I can do is to do extremely well and get to go for as many SEP as possible (: Really looking forward to that.

Oh yes! And it really seems that somehow things I am really bent to have, I just won't get it. While things I don't really expect much, I got them! How wonderfully weird. Anyway, though I didn't get into Medicine, I got an offer to stay in hostel. (: That's something to look forward to!

Whee with so many good things waiting for me, I guess I should say my life ain't that horrible after all. (: Shall take it as a "fresh new start" as quoted from a friend.

[[Story Written On By pZ]]*|2:46:00 a.m.|


[[another one..]]

Just finished watching "Definitely, Maybe" as my friend kept recommending it to be pretty good.
As for the late hour, oh wells.. I just decided I wont be able to fall asleep either.

But the title of the show really gave it away... Only one of the girls said that line! But the twist was really on who was the mom. I didn't expect that.

Humorous. Pretty touching. Pretty sweet.

Well well but seriously not as sweet as the book I just recommended on my previous post. After all, I guess a short film can't beat a whole novel. The space given to imagine, the ability to glide through the time all gave the book an edge over the movie. (:

Starting to get back my liking for books again I guess. Hopefully a good thing (:
And most importantly, be it the movie or the book, both have fairytale like happy ending (: That's what matters in the end. (Though not necessarily when in the midst of it ;))

[[Story Written On By pZ]]*|3:27:00 a.m.|

[[I want a fairytale too]]

well well despite the huge amount of spare time I have, I haven't been bringing myself to blog. As for why so? I really have no idea. Pure Laziness?

Anyway today or rather yesterday had a whole series of fairytale, be it on TV or novels. The sweetest fairy tale.. How I wish I have a fairytale too. Lead a fairytale life. (: How wonderful can that be?
Anyway for people looking for a really sweet romance novel to read, you should go get the book "If Andy Warhol had a girlfriend". Gosh will you feel so super lucky and glad for the main female lead in the story. It is really a fairytale came true for her..
Other than that, I just so happened to caught one episode of "The OC" on TV. Well, I must say the episode was pretty sweet too. True Love triumphs the materialistic and realistic side of life (:

Fairytale might have the best and happiest ending ever. The typical "Happily ever after". But there has always be villains trying to destroy every peaceful moment. And I can't deny that it is because of that trying period, that the fairytale ending seem all so right and sweet. Life is never that smooth sailing. (That would be pretty boring actually. Though I wouldn't say I would mind)
Well, if I were to be lucky enough to have a fairytale, now, the current period, this year 2008, is definitely one of the trying periods for me since I have been born into this world.
Maybe that meant that my life will turn for the better just like how fairytales go?
Maybe I will get something else in compensation? the saying that if a door closes, another window will open? (But it was me and myself that have landed myself into such plight? Not that it is that bad.. compared to many others.)

Regardless of what it is, regardless of how I am now, I would really want a fairytale too! (:

[[Story Written On By pZ]]*|12:59:00 a.m.|

[[*The Writer*]]

name: peizhen
bdae:05 may 1989
age: 19+
horoscope: taurus
nicks: pz
skool: peiying pri, st nicks, vj, nus
location: singapore
worth: $2,133,082

resolution: none currently

[[*My Adores*]]

food:any food!
drinks: iced cold ones! esp chocolate!
pastimes: listening to music, playing music, slacking, stoning
people: all who consider me as a friend! (:

[[*My Detests*]]

people: none so far! hopefully forever too!
food: anything tasteless or taste horrible!

[[*Music's Playing*]]

artist: tank
song: give me your love

[[*My Past Memories*]]

|June 2004|July 2004|August 2004|September 2004|October 2004|December 2004|January 2005|March 2005|April 2005|May 2005|November 2005|January 2006|February 2006|March 2006|April 2006|September 2006|November 2006|December 2006|January 2007|May 2008|June 2008|July 2008|August 2008|September 2008|October 2008|November 2008|December 2008|January 2009|February 2009|March 2009|April 2010

[[*The Conversations*]]

[[*My Friends*]]

annette| beany| clar| qing| sumin| yingxian| chaneline| choo ting| samq| lynn| vincent| weilin| maryanne| pearlyn| elaine sng| enid| xinhui| flautists rox!!!|


|Ev0nE's Emptyness|
|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
|Ev0nE's Tutorials|